What does it mean GLOBALG.A.P.?

GLOBALG.A.P. or Good practices in agriculture.

Is a set of rules that, once respected, offer assurances, especially to retail networks, that the crop or animal production certified by GLOBALG.A.P. is safe for consumption. 

In addition to these aspects, compliance with the rules also brings with it the confidence that the farmer takes measures to ensure optimal working conditions for his employees, to ensure optimal conditions for raising the his animals, if it is the case, but also to prevent pollution. In other words, compliance with the GLOBALG.A.P. rules ensures that the certified product is the result of sustainable practices.

What types is it?

The GLOBALG.A.P. rules are applicable to several types of products included in three large categories: plants, aquaculture, livestock. These three major categories are in continuous development and the owners of the certification scheme are continuously updating them.

For whom?

Any producer that falls under the incidence of the subfields included in one or more of the categories: plants, aquaculture, livestock can obtain certification for its products.

Benefits for those who join:

Every producer dreams of having a commercial ford of several thousand people, every day.
GLOBALG.A.P. certification can enable this. Access to thousands of potential buyers, daily.

GLOBALG.A.P. certification meets the demands of retail networks and offers manufacturers a solid argument when they present or negotiate their offer.

Once the product is accepted on the shelves of the retail stores, access to the visitors of their locations is ensured, thus the manufacturer obtains an important exposure of his products.

What the certification entails?

The certification of a product according to GLOBALG.A.P. requirements requires that the manufacturer implement in his practices all the provisions of the standards applicable to hisproducts and be able to prove this through documents or other types of documented written information.

Most of the time it is recommended that the producer benefit from the services of a specialized consultant to ensure that all the provisions of the applicable GLOBALG.A.P. standard are respected. After the implementation of the rules, the producer can call on an accredited certification body to contract audit services. Greater attention must be paid to the period when the audit is scheduled because a certification audit can only take place during the harvest of the product subject to certification.

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