
What is the IFS Conference?

The IFS Romania conference is already a traditional event of the food industry and the industry of household and personal care products, which facilitates the meeting of specialists in the field, meeting partners, collaborators, customers, suppliers and certifiers.

It is at the same time a moment of respite that we allow ourselves once a year, a day when we forget about the daily routine and current challenges. We exchange opinions, learn cutting-edge information from all areas of the supply chain, as well as from related industries, new practices, innovative solutions on automation and digitization of processes, records, processing technologies, packaging, logistics, testing, product quality control and safety assurance supply and find new business partners.

Thursday, 25 May 2023​

08:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Hotel Marshal Garden

What we talk about at the conference

IFS Food 8 and IFS HPC 3 - officially released!

The IFS Food 8 standard aims to deliver reliable products. Its vision is cooperation within the supply chain to improve product integrity.

IFS HPC 3 is the standard for evaluating the safety and quality management system and production processes of household and personal care products.

Both standards come to increase consumer confidence in purchased products – on the one hand for food, on the other for household and personal care products. Consumers need it, retailers want to make sure they are giving consumers what they want. If you are a manufacturer and you want to export your products and to be present in the big retail networks, you need these standards.

With the transition to new standards, new requirements appear! During the conference, we discuss what the transition to the new version entails, for maintaining and developing commercial relations both with large retail chains and for the expansion of export partners!

IFS Food 8 and IFS HPC 3 - officially released!

The IFS Food 8 standard aims to deliver reliable products. Its vision is cooperation within the supply chain to improve product integrity.

IFS HPC 3 is the standard for evaluating the safety and quality management system and production processes of household and personal care products.

Both standards come to increase consumer confidence in purchased products – on the one hand for food, on the other for household and personal care products. Consumers need it, retailers want to make sure they are giving consumers what they want. If you are a manufacturer and you want to export your products and to be present in the big retail networks, you need these standards.

With the transition to new standards, new requirements appear! During the conference, we discuss what the transition to the new version entails, for maintaining and developing commercial relations both with large retail chains and for the expansion of export partners!

ESG – environmental, social and governance – or more simply, sustainable development – focused on transparency, reducing pollution, creating a healthy development framework for the planet and all its inhabitants.

Who is ESG for? Any company has the duty to align itself with the principles of sustainable development. And IFS came up with a suitable solution, by creating this self-assessment tool to determine the degree to which a company is already prepared or adopts ESG principles.

It is essential to emphasize that ESG is not only the responsibility of large companies. That’s why the IFS ESG Check tool allows all companies, including small and medium-sized ones, to start the process of aligning with sustainable principles and operating mode.

During the conference we will discuss in detail how the IFS ESG Check works, how it is implemented, who are the parties involved – following a parallel with the European perspective that captures the local, regional, national and European approach to ESG adoption.

IFS ESG Check - the newest ESG readiness self-assessment and assessment tool

IFS ESG Check - the newest ESG readiness self-assessment and assessment tool

ESG – environmental, social and governance – or more simply, sustainable development – focused on transparency, reducing pollution, creating a healthy development framework for the planet and all its inhabitants.

Who is ESG for? Any company has the duty to align itself with the principles of sustainable development. And IFS came up with a suitable solution, by creating this self-assessment tool to determine the degree to which a company is already prepared or adopts ESG principles.

It is essential to emphasize that ESG is not only the responsibility of large companies. That’s why the IFS ESG Check tool allows all companies, including small and medium-sized ones, to start the process of aligning with sustainable principles and operating mode.

During the conference we will discuss in detail how the IFS ESG Check works, how it is implemented, who are the parties involved – following a parallel with the European perspective that captures the local, regional, national and European approach to ESG adoption.

Efficiency, Efficiency, Efficiency

In an increasingly competitive local and regional market, with consumers more and more attentive and demanding in terms of what they buy and consume, the only directions in the medium and long term are compliance with quality standards and increased efficiency.

In this context, during the conference we will discuss how this increase in effectiveness and efficiency can be achieved in 3 steps:

  • Identifying processes and establishing performance indicators for processes and products
  • Constant monitoring and measurement of processes and products
  • Analyzing and acting on monitoring to continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of processes and products

We will discuss optimization and control in production costs but also with labor. We will review a series of software solutions that can contribute decisively to the optimization of processes in the FMCG/Retail field.

Efficiency, Efficiency, Efficiency

In an increasingly competitive local and regional market, with consumers more and more attentive and demanding in terms of what they buy and consume, the only directions in the medium and long term are compliance with quality standards and increased efficiency.

In this context, during the conference we will discuss how this increase in effectiveness and efficiency can be achieved in 3 steps:

  • Identifying processes and establishing performance indicators for processes and products
  • Constant monitoring and measurement of processes and products
  • Analyzing and acting on monitoring to continuously improve the effectiveness and efficiency of processes and products

We will discuss optimization and control in production costs but also with labor. We will review a series of software solutions that can contribute decisively to the optimization of processes in the FMCG/Retail field.

4 + 1 more reasons
to attend the IFS Conference 2023

If you haven’t registered yet, we have 4+1 reasons to come to the IFS Conference 2023, in addition to the quality content, speakers and exceptional partners! For those present at the conference, we have prepared a series of weighty FREEBIES – INAQ Consulting courses and audits:

20 x IFS Food 8 Courses – Free

The IFS Food 8 standard is officially launched! With the upgrade comes new requirements!

Attend the IFS Conference and you could win one of our 20 places on IFS Food 8 courses!

10 FREE places for the “Internal Audit – IFS Food 8” course

10 FREE places for the “IFS Food 8 Requirements” course

20 x IFS HPC 3 Courses – Free

The new version of the standard provides an updated approach to evaluating a company’s product safety and quality management, including customer specifications.

Register for the conference and you can benefit from:

10 FREE places for the “IFS HPC 3 risk analysis” course

10 FREE places for the “IFS HPC 3 Requirements” course

20 x IFS Food 8 Courses – Free

The IFS Food 8 standard is officially launched! With the upgrade comes new requirements!

Attend the IFS Conference and you could win one of our 20 places on IFS Food 8 courses!

10 FREE places for the “Internal Audit – IFS Food 8” course

10 FREE places for the “IFS Food 8 Requirements” course

20 x IFS HPC 3 Courses – Free

The new version of the standard provides an updated approach to evaluating a company’s product safety and quality management, including customer specifications.

Register for the conference and you can benefit from:

10 FREE places for the “IFS HPC 3 risk analysis” course

10 FREE places for the “IFS HPC 3 Requirements” course

20 x IFS ESG Check – Free

Are you already implementing ESG principles in your company? See how you can continuously improve your sustainability management system with IFS ESG Check.

Come to the IFS Conference and you can benefit from:

20 FREE entries for IFS ESG Check

10 x Consulting and process optimization software
 – Discount

Can you still perform in manufacturing in 2023 without software solutions? We have prepared a series of software solutions that can contribute decisively to the optimization of processes in the FMCG/Retail field.

The first 10 companies drawn in the IFS Conference raffle will receive:

25% DISCOUNT on consulting and process optimization software

20 x IFS ESG Check – Free

Are you already implementing ESG principles in your company? See how you can continuously improve your sustainability management system with IFS ESG Check.

Come to the IFS Conference and you can benefit from:

20 FREE entries for IFS ESG Check

10 x Consulting and process optimization software
 – Discount

Can you still perform in manufacturing in 2023 without software solutions? We have prepared a series of software solutions that can contribute decisively to the optimization of processes in the FMCG/Retail field.

The first 10 companies drawn in the IFS Conference raffle will receive:

25% DISCOUNT on consulting and process optimization software

5 x INAQ Branding Light Audits – Free

It is beneficial to evaluate your brand every time you are at a significant moment in its life: expansion, acquisition, diversification, external events with impact, sustainable development.

Register for the IFS Conference and you can benefit from:

5 FREE INAQ Branding Light Audits 

5 x INAQ Branding  Light Audit – Free

It is beneficial to evaluate your brand every time you are at a significant moment in its life: expansion, acquisition, diversification, external events with impact, sustainable development.

Register for the IFS Conference and you can benefit from:

5 FREE INAQ Branding Light Audits 


25 May

Hotel Marshal Garden


25 mai, Marshall garden


Speaker Conferinta IFS - Stephan Tromp

Stephan Tromp

Managing Director IFS

Speaker Conferinta IFS Croatia - Ionut Nache

Ionuț Nache

Director General INAQ Consulting

Speaker Conferinta IFS - Marek Marzec

Marek Marzec

IFS CEE Representative

Speaker Conferinta IFS - Chryssa Dimitriadis

Chryssa Dimitriadis

Director IFS Standard Management IFS – International Featured Standards

Speaker Conferinta IFS - Helga Barrios Vidal

Helga Barrios Vidal

Head of Sustainability & IFS Senior Project Manager

Speaker conferinta IFS - Beata Studzińska-Marciniak

Beata Studzińska-Marciniak

IFS Standard Manager

Speaker Conferinta IFS - Sybil-Marie Deinhard

Sybil-Marie Deinhard

HPC Standard Manager, Standard Management

Speaker conferinta IFS - George Badescu

George Bădescu

Director Executiv AMRCR

Speaker Conferinta IFS - Sorin Petcu

Sorin Petcu

CEO Santinela – Manufacturing Productivity Improvement Experts

Speaker conferinta IFS - Horatiu

Horațiu Bașa

Managing Director Testo Romania

Speaker conferinta IFS - Adrian Bălăoi

Adrian Bălăoi

CEO Frigo Consult Tehnic AB SRL

Speaker conferinta IFS - Marius Maier

Marius Maier


Speaker conferinta IFS - Adela Jansen

Adela Jansen

Board Director

Speaker conferinta IFS - Miroslav Tașcu Stavre

Miroslav Tașcu Stavre

Profesor, Universitatea din București

Speaker conferinta IFS - Dan Ceausescu

Dan Ceaușescu

CEO at GreenPoint Management

Speaker conferinta IFS - Oana Grosanu

Oana Groșanu

Executive Director Ambasada Sustenabilitatii Romania

Speaker Conferinta IFS - Mihai COLIBAN

Mihai Coliban

Brand Communication Expert | Creative&Design Director

Speaker Conferinta IFS Croatia - Mihai Olaru

Mihai Olaru

Managing Partner at Benefiq HR

Speaker conferinta IFS - Bogdana Gheorghe

Bogdana Gheorghe

Managing Director RetailZoom

Speaker conferinta IFS - Cristian Lungu

Cristian Lungu

Managing Director ACDA – Agenția de Consultanță pentru Dezvoltarea Afacerilor

Speaker conferinta IFS - Angelos Spiliotis

Angelos Spiliotis

Managing Director, AXIVEN Pest Control România

Speaker Conferinta IFS Croatia - Mihai Olaru

Mihai Olaru

Managing Partner at Benefiq HR


Inaq - Consulting


PLATINUM partners

partener conferinta IFS - Cristim
partener conferinta IFS - CMC Grup
partener conferinta IFS - Testo
partener conferinta IFS - ACDA

GOLD partners

partener conferinta IFS - GS1
partener conferinta IFS - Imark Sistem
Partener Conferinta IFS Croatia - Salesianer
partener conferinta IFS - Frigo Consult
partener conferinta IFS - AB Tehnic Profesional
Partener Conferinta IFS Croatia - Santinela
partener conferinta IFS - Mirdatod
Partener Conferinta IFS Croatia - Benefiq
partener conferinta IFS - Biotrend
partener conferinta IFS - Merry-berry
partener conferinta IFS - Eisberg
partener conferinta IFS - Calipso
partener conferinta IFS - Retail Zoom
partener conferinta IFS - Green Point
partener conferinta IFS - Eisberg
partener conferinta IFS - Calipso

SILVER partners

partener conferinta IFS - Axiven
partener conferinta IFS - Eurofins
partener conferinta IFS - Transilvania Nuts
partener conferinta IFS - Daniela's
partener conferinta IFS - IQLab
partener conferinta IFS - Grande Gloria Production
partener conferinta IFS - Doly-Com Distributie
partener conferinta IFS - Doctor Wipes


partener conferinta IFS -BEROCC
partener conferinta IFS -HRCC
partener conferinta IFS -NRCC
partener conferinta IFS -ASEMER
partener conferinta IFS -BRCC
partener conferinta IFS - Ambasada sustenabilitatii
partener conferinta IFS -AMRCR
partener conferinta IFS -APAR
partener conferinta IFS -Romalimenta
partener conferinta IFS -CERC
partener conferinta IFS -ARC
partener conferinta IFS - Rucodem
partener conferinta IFS - APSS
partener conferinta IFS - romania green building council

MEDIA partners

partener conferinta IFS - Transilvania Business
partener conferinta IFS - Modern Buyer
partener conferinta IFS - Roaliment
partener conferinta IFS - Meat Milk
partener conferinta IFS - Business-Voice
partener conferinta IFS - NOMADE


First part

08.30 – Welcome coffee

09.00 – Official opening of the 9th edition of IFS Conference in Romania
– Ionuț Nache, General Manager INAQ Consulting, IFS Representative in Romania
09.10 – Retail 4.0: eFood – Development. Trends. Forecast
– Stephan Tromp, Managing Director IFS Management GmbH
09.30 – Message of A.N.S.V.S.A. at the IFS Conference official opening
– Dr. Ioan Oleleu, Vice-President A.N.S.V.S.A.
09.50 – IFS Food 8
– Chryssa Dimitriadis, Director IFS Standard Management
10.10 – IFS ESG Check Program
– Helga Barrios, IFS Senior Technical Project Manager, IFS Representative in Spain
10.30 – IFS Logistics 3
– Beata Studzińska-Marciniak, IFS Standard Manager
10.45 – IFS HPC 3
– Sybil-Marie Deinhard, IFS Standard Manager
11.00 – IFS Logistics certifications in Poland. Case study.
– Marek Marzec, IFS CEE Representative
11.10 – INAQ Branding – new services provided by INAQ Consulting
– Alexandru Băjenaru – Online Marketing Director
– Mihai Coliban – Brand Communication Expert, Creative & Design Director

11.30 – 11.45 Coffee break

Second part

Processes optimization means risk reduction, cost reduction, financing solutions

11.45 – HR managerial indicators reporting mode – TactiqHRinsights
– Mihai Olaru, Managing Partner Benefiq
12.00 – Health periodical screenings. Recommmendations
– Radu Prodan, Membru Fondator Asociația Medcorp
12.15 – Santinela – The solution for solving the productivity problems in factories
– Sorin Petcu, General Manager Santinela
12.30 – Professional measurement solutions to reduce costs and ensure food safety
– Horațiu Bașa, Managing Director Testo România
12.45 – IFS Pest Control Guideline. Ver. 2, Sep 2022: Deciphering the new DDD guide issued by IFS in Sep 2022
– Angelos Spiliotis, Managing Director Axiven Pest Control
13.00 – Electricity savings and profit through the correct design and maintenance of refrigeration installations
– Adrian Bălăoi, General Manager AB Tehnic
13.15 – 100 billion opportunities for Romania!
– Cristian Lungu, CEO ACDA – Business Development Consulting Agency
13.30 – Risk management or Risk in management?
– Marius Maier, General Manager CMC GRUP Broker

13.45 – 14.30 Lunch break


Third part

14.30 – INAQ Data & Research – new services provided by INAQ Consulting
– Ionuț Nache – General Manager INAQ Consulting

14.45 – Tombola – drawing the winners of the 75 vouchers offered by INAQ Consulting


15.15 – 17.00

Round Table: ESG concept of sustainability. How prepared are we to implement ESG principles in our businesses?
Oana Groșanu – Executive Director of the Romanian Embassy of Sustainability
Miroslav Tașcu-Stavre – Professor of European Studies Department, University in Bucharest
Bogdana Gheorghe – Managing Director Retail Zoom
Adela Jansen – Vice-President CCIFER
George Bădescu – Executive Director AMRCR
Dan Ceaușescu – CEO GreenPoint Management
Ionuț Nache – General Manager INAQ Consulting – IFS Training Center


17.00 -18.00 Cocktail & networking

Registration and Partnerships


150 €

75 €

Fee valid until April 24


150 €

100 €

Fee valid between April 25 – May 10


150 €

Fee valid between May 11 – May 24


150 €

75 €

Fee valid until April 24


150 €

100 €

Fee valid between April 25 – May 10


150 €

Fee valid between May 11 – May 24

For more information, news or upcoming events:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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